"If you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything..." 

- Marilyn Monroe

We all kind of know that women are attracted to a man who can make them laugh...

In fact, having a good sense of humor is almost a "superpower" for a man when it comes to attracting a woman - it can make up for all kinds of other factors that might otherwise cause her to look for a different guy.

"Ok, ok, I get it already (click here to buy now)..."

And study after study backs up what we already know about the power of humor when it comes to attracting women:

A 2023 series of 4 studies showed that "women perceived funny men as more intelligent," and that "a humorous display that is actually funny will elicit both perceptions of friendliness and attraction from women..."

On the other hand, "a failed attempt at humor from a man elicits no greater attraction than a control statement not intended to be funny."

So, you have to use humor the right way with a woman or it doesn't work.

However, it's even more important than that...

Here's the bottom line:

If a man uses humor the wrong way or has no sense of humor at all, that can cause a woman who IS very interested in him initially to lose interest in him faster than a failed rocket launch crashes into the ground.

Plus, positive humor is one of the 4 things that maintains high female interest in a long-term relationship once she's already in love with you.

So, without sounding too hyperbolic, you might say that humor is absolutely CRITICAL when it comes to a man attracting a woman, whether he wants to be with her for one night or a lifetime.

If you're just going for hookups, it makes the process easier, smoother and much more likely to be successful...

And, if you want to be in a long-term relationship with your ideal woman, it makes her want to spend more and more time with you (and not want to leave you) and then protects your relationship with her later on.

Use humor the right way and a woman is more likely to go home with you, fall in love with you and stay in love with you...

Use it the wrong way and it can ruin your chances with her.


You meet your ideal woman for coffee...

You're both enjoying getting to know each other...

And then, all of a sudden, she loses interest at some point along the way because she doesn't feel a "spark" with you and finds you kind of "boring" - even though you're actually awesome.


That's why I created the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program:

The ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program makes it so something like that never happens to you...

No matter your personality or personal style...

If a woman is interested in you, even a little bit, she will find you funny and attractive.

She absolutely WILL feel that "spark" with you that she craves and rarely gets...

And it won't fizzle out over time.

So ATTRACTIVE HUMOR helps you attract your ideal woman for one night or a lifetime.

It gives you an advantage over any other guy she meets...

And it's absolutely something you can learn, improve on, and implement in your real life with real-life women (more on this in a minute).

The best part?

This program is not full of cheesy "pick-up lines" and robotic routines...

ATTRACTIVE HUMOR gives you an easy-to-follow FORMULA that you can use with every woman you meet that allows you to be your authentic self and still spark maximum attraction in the women of your choice.

Plus, we will eliminate all attraction and love-killing mistakes you may be making when it comes to using humor with women.

Now, you might be thinking:

"Is using humor with women something we can even learn? Or are we just born into a certain skill-level and that's it?"

To be honest with you, I wasn't sure about this until recently...

See, using humor with women has always been one of my STRENGTHS, and I just didn't know if it was something I could teach other guys or not.

However, as you probably already know, I've seen thousands of men from all over the world improve the way they interact with women in a real, sustainable way over the last 20 years in this "industry."

So, I know for sure that we can improve our skills when it comes to attracting women in general...

But what about using HUMOR with women specifically? 

Well, you probably don't know this about me,  but I actually took a stand-up comedy class last year and then performed a 10-minute set at the end.

And let me tell you, ALL of us in the class got funnier to other people by the time we were finished with the course.

I saw with my own eyes that all kinds of different people can improve their humor in a real way.

And this revelation inspired me to create the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR course because I now know for sure that we can improve our skills with women, including using humor with women, no matter what level we are on now.

I learned how to teach humor to other people and combined that with my knowledge of attraction and love to create this program specifically for you...

Even if you're a professional comedian, we can always learn more about how to apply that awesome sense of humor with a woman you want to date and this program will show you what you're missing (if anything).

And, if you're a total beginner who is doing everything you can just to learn social skills, this program has everything you need to know and won't leave you hanging.

You can go as shallow or as deep as you want with this - it's totally up to you...

There is simply nothing else like the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program out there in the world right now that teaches you every single aspect of using humor with a woman at all times and that gives you a FORMULA you can use with any woman any time.

A long time ago, back when I was first learning everything I could about dating and relationships, I actually took a course called "High-Status Humor" that was sold as a program about how to use humor with women...

And, while it was a pretty good program, it focused more on how to play different "funny characters" than how to actually use humor to interact with and attract a woman from start to finish.

So, with nothing else like this program out there in the world right now, ATTRACTIVE HUMOR absolutely gives you an EDGE when it comes to your "competition."

More importantly, if a woman is interested in you, even a little bit, she will think you are funnier and more attractive than she would otherwise when you use ATTRACTIVE HUMOR with her.

So what's actually inside the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program then?

Let's find out...

Here's what's inside the 24-module, multimedia ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Course so you know exactly what you're getting when you join us today:  

Module 1: What is Humor?
What makes something funny or not in general so we can apply this consistently with women...
Module 2: What is Attractive Humor?
What makes humor attractive to a woman or not...
Module 3: Your Attractive Humor Identity
The way you see yourself impacts the way you use humor with a woman. This module makes sure your identity and self-image are working for you and not against you...
Module 4: High-Status Humor
This module shows you how to make sure a woman sees you as "high-status" when you're using humor with her. This is critical when it comes to attraction.
Module 5: Tension Management
This module reveals the 2 ATTRACTIVE HUMOR "volume knobs" - PRESSURE and TENSION. Attractive humor releases PRESSURE and allows you to raise and lower the TENSION between you and a woman at will...
Module 6: Context is the Key
All humor is contextual; with a woman context is even more important...
Module 7: Types of Attractive Humor
This module gives you lots of options in terms of the "flavors" of attractive humor you can use with a woman...
Module 8: Openers
Exactly how to start a conversation with a woman using attractive humor...
Module 9: Early on in a Conversation
How to navigate the first 2 CRUCIAL minutes of your first or second conversation with a woman to make sure she sees you as a potential lover and not just a friend...
Module 10: Humor in Connecting Conversation
How to use attractive humor with a woman once attraction has been established and you're getting to know her at a deeper level...
Module 11: Telling Funny Stories
You MUST use these 3 elements when you tell a woman a story if you want your stories to be perceived as interesting, funny, and/or attractive...
Module 12: Responding to Her
ATTRACTIVE HUMOR isn't just about you telling jokes or trying to be funny all the time. A BIG part of it is the way you react to and interact with the things she says and does. This module shows you exactly how to respond to her when she says or does something, including when she tells a joke herself or plays back with you...
Module 13: Recovery
This module shows you exactly how to handle it when a woman doesn't like something you say, when she doesn't get one of your jokes, when you make a mistake, or when something doesn't go perfectly to plan for a minute to make sure she doesn't lose interest in you...
Module 14: Escalation (Spicy Humor)
This module shows you how to "spice it up" with a woman using attractive humor so she wants to get physical with you...
Module 15: Humor in Seductive Conversation
How to use attractive humor with a woman in the bedroom (be careful!)...
Module 16: Balance of Humor (The Attractive Humor FORMULA)
The Golden Formula you can use with any woman any time to make sure she perceives you as funny and attractive. Plus, how to balance out the way you use humor with her over time so she never gets tired of you...
Module 17: Example Conversations
Analysis of tv show and movie clips that contain the elements of ATTRACTIVE HUMOR so you can SEE what they actually look like in a conversation between a man and a woman......
Module 18: Delivery Examples
How to deliver each "flavor" of attractive humor properly...
Module 19: Positive Humor in a Relationship
Positive Humor is one of the 4 things that maintains high female interest over time. This module covers exactly what positive humor is in a relationship and exactly how to approach humor with a woman in a long-term relationship...
Module 20: Attractive Humor via Text and Online Messaging
Attractive humor is different when she can re-read it, she can't see your body language, and you're only working with text on a screen + emojis. So, this module covers how to make sure your texting is funny and attractive to a woman...
Module 21 Mistakes to Avoid
No matter how funny and attractive you are, these common, CRITICAL mistakes can easily sink you with a woman. So, we MUST avoid them. Just avoiding these mistakes will make you more attractive to women even if you don't implement anything else from this program...
Module 22: Advanced Bonus Tips
Once you have the basic principles of attractive humor and the Attractive Humor FORMULA down, these advanced bonus tips will take you to the next level...
Module 23: How to Practice
These techniques make you more quick-witted and make it easier to implement everything we covered in this program in your real day-to-day life...
Module 24: TV Shows and Movies to Watch
These tv shows and movies show you what the different "flavors" of attractive humor look like coming from attractive men with very different styles and personalities...

My personal GUARANTEE to you:

No matter how funny you are right now, after you go through the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program, the way you use humor with women will be more attractive...

It will be working FOR YOU with every woman you meet and never working against you.

The Types of Attractive Humor module gives you tons of "flavors" of attractive humor that you can use with a woman based on your real personality...

The Attractive Humor FORMULA shows you exactly what to do and when in terms of using humor with a woman during your first several conversations with her...

And the Mistakes to Avoid module covers the 27 most critical, common humor mistakes you must avoid with a woman so you never turn her off...

That's worth the price of admission right there.

And the other 21 modules make it much easier to use humor with women naturally and amplify everything you do so that women perceive you as an amazing, attractive man with a great sense of humor who she would be happy to go home with and who she could easily see herself falling in love with.

Just remember that humor is complex by itself...

Add the dynamics of female attraction into the mix and it gets even more complicated.

That's why this program has so much content. =)

However, we absolutely made everything as simple as we possibly could for you.

Every angle is covered; everything is in there.

And by the time you finish the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program you will know exactly how to apply all aspects of humor with your ideal woman at all times.

At that point you can just relax and enjoy the process of dating because there's nothing better than an attractive woman laughing with you, hitting your arm playfully when you tease her, and not being able to hide her increasing attraction to you.

So just follow the steps and unlock the combination of feelings a woman needs to feel in order to come home with you and/or fall and stay deeply in love with you...

Create that SPARK that makes a woman want you and never turn her off or get stuck in "Friendland..."

Join us inside the ATTRACTIVE HUMOR Program now:

Just $147 $99 Today.

Hope to see you on the inside sir...I promise it will be worth it. =)


Contact us at: JimWolfeHelpDesk@gmail.com

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